Trust News
Careers Fair in its 7th Year
Posted on 24/03/2023On Thursday, 23 March 2023, Sir John Lawes School were delighted to welcome Councillor Lisa Scriven, The Town Mayor of Harpenden and Councillor Paul de Kort, District Councillor and County Councillor, to our annual Careers Day. The aim of the day is to educate our Year 12 students on the full array of opportunities available to them post A Level including School Leaver, Apprenticeship Programmes and Graduate Schemes.
This is by far the largest event of its type in our local area and over the course of the day over 700 students from both Sir John Lawes School and our neighbouring partner schools were in attendance. A fact that helps SJL to retain and attract a high calibre and diverse range of local, national and international companies. The Careers Day included 45 businesses giving employer talks throughout the morning and 55 organisations filling the Sports Hall to capacity, offering students specific information on post A Level career opportunities within their own companies. Students attending the Careers Day learn about a vast range of career options, with some also securing invaluable work experience and contacts for their futures.
This was the seventh year of the event and each time the day surpasses all our expectations with more employers than ever becoming involved, and the diversity of sectors represented continuing to grow.
Philip Newbery, Headteacher Sir John Lawes School:
It is a fantastic opportunity to have so many of the top graduate employers here at SJL, giving bespoke advice and guidance to our students. This is a real jewel in our careers advice and guidance programme and we are very thankful of the companies for giving up their time and expert knowledge. It was great to see so many SJL students benefitting from this day.
Ella – Year 12 student at Sir John Lawes School:
It has been incredibly inciteful to hear about so many different opportunities available that I could do in the future.