Trust News
#COP26 Climate Week
Posted on 05/11/2021All of our students have been eager to learn about #COP26. Our Sixth Form attended an inspiring presentation about #COP26 and Year 6 have used the current issues they are seeing in the media to debate, share their views and listen to the views of others. There was a rich discussion and some valuable points well made. The WWF intends to present a forest of trees of promises to world leaders during COP26 so our students created their own promises on a leaf.
We tweeted our #promisetotheplanet leaves and hopefully some of ours will be seen by world leaders! Having been inspired by climate activist Puspanath “Push” Krishnamurthy's talk at school a few weeks ago, it was fantastic to see 80 secondary students taking part in Oxfam’s 1.5km World Climate March on the school field yesterday to show the world leaders just how much they care.